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tv   11 News Today  NBC  July 25, 2011 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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limit. i'm nikole killion in washington where talks blow up again. >> an historic day in new york same-sex couples tie the knot. how early they lined up to make civil rights history. >> it may be only a minor break in the heat but we will take it. the forecast as "11 news today" continues right now. [captioning made possible by constellation energy group] >> thanks for joining us. it still feels muggy. >> it is a gradual process. we can't get our hopes up too soon. it is very humid and warm. very t the temperatures warm. normally we should be in the mid 60's for the morning start. we are about 10 to 15 degrees above that. 78 at the airport and 90% humidity.
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however, the relief will be felt toward the afternoon as highs are up where they should be, away from the 100-degree mark. it will still feel uncomfortable because of the humidity. mostly cloudy, chance of scattered showers and storms but that is coming with a cold front and that will change things tomorrow. i will have more. now let's look at traffic with sarah. >> good morning. nice start that the accident has been cleared northbound hempstead bypass at 482. looking much better with the full spill cleaned up with the accident. all lanes are open. baltimore street 140 in tawneytown we have fire activity but that is wrapping up as well. not a bad ride. major roads looking good. 11 minutes out are lap northeast side and same on the west about an eight-minute. here is a live view of traffic. right now moving well going away from us. southbound 795 down toward the west side no problems to report
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and we will switch to a look at the key bridge. so far the east side is running smoothly. that is the latest on "traffic pulse 11." back to you. >> our big story the search for a missing seven-month-old baby and care take are. george lettis is live at city police headquarters with why police believe they may have left the city and the call to action. police have questioned the boy's father who admits leaving the baby in the care of a teenager. the seven-month-old child was last seen in the 1100 black of lyndhurst street with a 16-year-old girl jonae boozer. ki'yauhn's father charles birch arrived late it a prayer service last night because he was with police being questioned about the disappearance. ki'yauhn was staying with his father friday but birch left him with pwzer an acquaintance he barely knowles. >> do i know the whereabouts of
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my son or am i lying about it? i told them i ain't lying about it, you know. they just keep -- you know how police do? they just keep getting on my nerves and i keep telling them the same thing. >> this guy just magically appeared and don't look like he know nothing. >> an amber alert has not been issued in this case because it doesn't fit the criteria mainly because there is no vehicle description or tag information. police have received a tip that the 16-year-old girl boozer has been sighted in the prince george's or montgomery county area. if you have any information you are asked to cull baltimore city police. >> the search continues for the gunman involved in a double shooting in randallstown. the developments were found sunday morning at the
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intersection of chapeldale and stansfield roads. investigators believe alcohol and speed may have led to the death of a motorcycle rider in pasadena. he was travelling without a helmet saturday night when he tried to avoid a collision with another motorcycle and he crashed into a wooded area. was pronounced dead at the scene. >> a baltimore city firefighter is recovering from heat exhaustion from a fire sunday morning on connecticut avenue. smoke detector alerted the people inside who escaped. so far no word as to what sparked it. officials are trying to figure out what sparked a fire in a manufacturing company in curtis bay. more than 100 firefighters battled the fire saturday morning at kauffman products manufacturing company on curtis avenue. we are told paper, machinery and other materials are stored there. >> firefighters succumbed to heat exhaustion as well.
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no other injuries were reported. >> a money saving program from b.g.e. triggers buyer's remorse. the heat from the past few days forced them to disable the air conditioning in many homes in participants of the peaks rewards program. some say they were without air conditioning up to 10 hours as their homes reached 90 degrees inside. >> we understand that some of the customers who were impacted by the event on friday were frustrated. there were some challenges in some cases with reaching a cost center representative. we beefed up staffing over the weekend. so we are going to reach out to the customers and make sure that understand the program and maybe they want to drop down a level if there at 100%. maybe that is not the appropriate level. >> the utility says some participants may have had other problems that kept the air conditioners off longer. >> this morning all eyes are on wall street after debt talks break down in washington.
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overseas markets were down as lawmakers try to come up with a last minute agreement. nickel killion joins us live with more on the story. >> u.s. leaders wanted a debt deal in place to ra reassure investors. that didn't happen. wall street opens with no resolution over the debt limit. >> the most important thing is we remove this threat of default from the country for the next 18 months. important we do that. >> with an august 2 default deadline only a week away house republicans and senate democrats have rival plans. >> there will be a two-stage process. it is not possible to do all of this in one step. >> after pulling out of talks boehner is unveiling his own measure for a short-term increase in the debt limit but after a sunday night meeting at the white house congressional democrats rejected it. >> a short-term extension will
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our economy. >> i think that the president -- i understand why they say they won't sign it. but i think that they won't have any choice and thank is the only answer right now. >> in a statement harry reid called the plan a nonstarter and is working on an alternative. the administration is trying to convince markets it won't default. >> you want to take this out of politics. you don't want politics messing around with america's credit. >> no comments from boehner on the reproposal but he plans to meet with g.o.p. colleagues to talk strategy. >> i'm almost afraid to ask but since there is no deal any sense how the markets might react? >> watching what is happening overseas asian markets, the reaction seemed muted. stocks were down slightly. here in the u.s. investors seem to think and seem fairly confident lawmakers will get to some kind of deal and u.s. won't
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renege on debt but the president's chief of staff warping we could see very stressful days ahead. >> that brings us to the water cooler question of the day. do you think an agreement over the didn't ceiling can be reached before the deadline? share your shopbs with balance tkarpl or facebook page or is 6:08. steamy 78 degrees on tv hill. why now may be the time to buy a car. that in the consumer alert. >> history made in new york city as gay couples line up to get legally married. how new laws renew calls for similar legislation in maryland. the expect who admits to the attack on children and government works in norway appears in court. his twisted rationale for the attacks. >> rain is a possibility for some this morning. in my full forecast we will look at h.d. doppler and talk about the changes in the weather pattern.
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skwraoeurbgsz two earlier problems are cleared and we will let you know if anything new has developed.
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>> welcome back to "11 news today." it is 6:11 and it is 83 degrees outside. that doesn't sound much better. it still is just as warm as what we have seen the past couple of days. the big difference is not going to be nearly as hot through the afternoon. that is a welcome change. it is still humid but that will change heading in tomorrow. we have shower activity along the southern tier of maryland that moved into the eastern
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shore but mainly staying on the virginia side although not out of the question some will see some showers. we will wait for other showers and thunderstorms to move out of west virginia and could move into western maryland. all of this comes with a change of the weather pattern. if we show the radar we can see what is happening. that first area of moisture is moving offshore and another one across the ohio valley sparking heavier thunderstorms in northwestern pennsylvania. this is out ahead of the next cold front that will be responsible for the big changes in the forecast. you can take out the cold front now with the satellite picture across wisconsin and lower michigan. that is the area of high pressure nudging in. we're waiting for the front to pass. it stalling across the lower great lakes but once it moves the temperatures will drop into the overnight hours as we will see much drier air.
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that means the worst of the heat is shifting back this the central plains and unfortunately for texas, kansas, missouri, no relief yet. but we have the relief on our hands. we have a better chance of wet weather. chance for showers in with maryland this morning and then throughout the afternoon. scattereded showers and thunderstorms possible for just about anyone. then the skies clear out into the night and into tomorrow as well as the high pressure moves in. this is looking ahead it a beautiful forecast. up near 90 this afternoon in baltimore. humid, thunderstorms in the forecast through the evening. tuesday and wednesday look beautiful. we will have the sunshine, very low humidity and it will feel comfortable. the humidity and temperatures creep back up at the end of the week. >> not a bad start to the morning. we have been tracking earlier problems in hempstead and tawneytown both clear. now we have the harrisburg expressway and no problems there from the maryland lien to
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somewhshawan road. on the west side from 795 to toward edmondson speeds are just fine. airport 295 checking out ok. no problems on 97, 100, all the major roads up to the beltway -- or rather the airport. looking good. th this is the beltway top side at harford road. outer loop from 95 to the harrisburg expressway and not a lot happening in the way of volume there. pretty late. we will switch to a live view of white marsh. southbound going away at a good clip to fort mchenry. harbor tunnel traffic equally smith. >> looking at some of the top stories, the man at the center of one of norway's bloodiest days since world war ii is in court today. the man reportedly admits to the attack a bombing in a government
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building in oslo and the other in a massacre at a youth camp leaving 93 dead. he claims to have done it in protest of norway's immigration policies but denies criminal responsibility. in washington house democratic heard nancy pelosi calls for an ethics investigation into an organize congressman accused of making inappropriate sexual advances toward a william. he remains silent on the matter despite increasing calls for resignation. a report he says he will not resign but will retire when his term runs out in 2012. the leader of a group accused of forcing young girls to marry older men is standing trial in texas. he is charged with multiple counts of child sexual assault. the texas rangers raided a ranch in 2008 taking children in
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custody. the jury selection can take a week. >> in our consumer alert airlines are cashing in on the government deadlock that eliminates taxes and fees on tickets that average about $25 per ticket which have expired. american airlines and u.s. air are not passing the savings on to you. instead they have raised arrest to fill the gap and are pocket being the money. the srpl car democrats are starting to roll out and most of them start offering the events just after memorial day but short supplies pushed the start back a few weeks. chrysler is offering up to $3,000 cash back or zero percent financing and according to one you could get deals from toyota and nissan. duncan brands and starbucks are duking it out. jane king is giving always that on the bloomberg business
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report. >> would you rather have a latte or regular coffee with a doughnut? the fight will be played out in streets. they plan to double the number of u.s. locations in the next 20 years and may have more stores than starbucks as it expands into the western u.s. this as it prepares to offer shares. investors are eyeing the prospect that the u.s. may default on the debt. we had a mixed close friday. gains and earnings by tech stocks took them higher. restaurants already revving things up for the baltimore grand prix. the event is expected to draw 100,000 people to the inner harbor september 2 through the 4 and restaurants will have new services and hoping to see profits from the big labor day weekend auto race. i'm jane king, bloomberg news.
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>> a landmark day for gay couples in new york as it is the latest and largest state to legalize same-sex marriage. hundreds of kbls lined up for the chance it tie the knot. >> i take you connie to be am i spouse. >> hundreds of couples made history today at city clerk offices in new york city saying i do on the first day same-sex marriage alabama legal in new york state. >> by the laws of the state of new york i now pronounce you married. >> all around the city and state couples lined up and waited hours to get approved for a marriage license. >> for bar or worse. >> before making it official. >> it feels great to finally new york is recognizing our relationship and we can be on the record as being a family. and get all the rights we deserve. >> the first weddings started just after midnight. at niagara falls kitty and
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cheryl who have five children and 12 grandchildren couldn't believe their moment had arrived. >> i keep thinking there should be something more that i have to do to get here. i keep thinking that -- it just is not real. >> in new york city only a handful of protesters objected to the new law. outnumbered by supporters and the couples, determined to enjoy their day. >> the issue of same sex phaerblg is gathering steam in maryland. governor o'malley says he plans to make gay marriage a legislative priority the next general assembly session. under his plan same-sex couples would get the same legal rights as their heterosexual counterparts. he says he will focus on preserving equal protection under the law while protecting religious family. that is not sitting well with members.pblg
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>> we are not opposing any personal or individual. my position is not to oppose, my position is to defend and my position is to defend phaerpbl, traditional marriage. >> the governor says he hopes to shape the maryland legislation similar to new york's law. >> it is 6:20 and 79 degrees. >> with 13 losses and some of the lowest run support in the league can the o's pitcher jeremy guthrie turn things around against the angels? >> here is a look at last night's winning maryland lottery numbers.
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>> good morning. sarah caldwell with a look at the commute. not bad. we have been looking at a pretty easy ride. one problem of note in pikesville fire activity. other than that j.f.x. good and volume on the northwest corner, 38 miles an hour in the outer loop past 795 to liberty then it opens up again closer to i-70. not a lot happening. we are in the green on the major roads and 95 included through howard county 63 miles approaching 32. problem free on 295 and we will look at harford northeast corner moving without delay. lit volume in the outer loop
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from 95. we will switch to a live view of traffic in white marsh area. looks great at this hour. enjoy it. pretty quiet now. now ava has a check of the forecast. >> already today it will be so much better than where it was this weekend. we are away from the 100's, 90 in central maryland, 91 southern maryland. 89 eastern shore, maybe 90 in ocean city. but we are seeing a big change in the temperatures. it is very humid, scattered showers and thunderstorms possible especially throughout the afternoon and evening and even some thunderstorms possible in the western mountains this morning. but this is going to clear out when the cold front comes through and means lower humidity tomorrow. now look at sports with keith mills. >> good morning. stop me if you heard this before. the nfl lockout appears just about over.
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ha ha ha. they appear finally ready to finalize the contract so we can look ahead to the ravens and steelers on september 11 knowing the players can be reporting wednesday. executive committee will meet with the reps to recommend they accept the contract. the ravens with look to open training camp by the end of the week and as derrick mason said it ain't over until it is over. the orioles will leave for toronto today with a nine-game road trip. jeremy guthrie deserved better as the orioles lost to the angels sunday. ground ball, this is not easy. derrek lee is 6'6". that ball went off his glove over his head and it is 3-0 angels. birds get it back. adam jones number 18 for him. five on the home stand. new game at 3-2 but the bullpen
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to keep it chose. it hapned friday night and it happened yesterday. make trout, 19-year-old, i was doing a lot of things when i was 19, hitting home runs in a big league game was not one of them. torii hunter with a homer, 8-2 and 9-3 the final. they finish 4-6. nick markakis home run number 10 here but it was not enough. i want to show you this from the l.a. galaxy. manchester city. a clear shot at a goal, tries to back it in. that is showing up your opponent 101 and hats off to their coach who took him out of the game and left him in the locker room at halftime for showing up the l.a. galaxy. fans booed him off the field. well done, coach. >> not a good decision. >> we saw a guy do it last week.
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>> during a penalty kick. that become fired. >> 6:26 and 78 degrees. a piece of 9/11 history makes its way to baltimore. the beam will be a memorial for fallen firefighters. >> george lettis, baby boy still missing and the 16-year-old girl who was taking care of him. >> tracking fire department activity. we will update that and check a live picture for you of the by bridge and conditions there.
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>> good morning, everybody. welcome back to "11 news today." >> thank you for joining us. ava i still had to put the a.c. on. what is up with that? >> it is all about the humidity right now. it is so steamy. it will get better in the afternoon with kwaeub of clouds. we will reach up to 90, which is where waerbd be. away from the triple-digit heat but a chance of showers and thunderstorms in the evening with a confront on the way.
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>> our big story a community gathers for support while police continue their search for a missing boy. >> george george is live at city pa headquarters with the latest on the search for ki'yauhn birch. >> it appears that detectives are trying to get more out of his father who admits he left the boy with a teenager he barely knows. more than two days since her infant son was last seen whitney mcgee is trying to make sense of ki'yauhn's disappearance. he was last season with this girl 16-year-old jonae boozer. >> this guy just my knowledgely appears and don't know nobody know nothing. >> surrounded by loved ones, mcgee prayed for his return. >> there is so much going on and people don't want to tell the truth but lord we should tell it like it is. >> ki'yauhn's father charles
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arrived late to the prayer service because he was with city police being questioned about his son's disappearance. >> do i know the whereabouts of my son or am i lying by certain things and i told them i ain't lying about it. and you know they just keep -- you know how the police are. they keep getting on my nerves and i keep telling them the same thing. >> ki'yauhn was allegedly staying with his father friday but birch left him with pwzer a teenaged acquaintance he admits he barely knows. >> just watch him. make sure he don't put anything in his mouth. that is what i told her. she took him. >> this young lady has a unique look to her, you know. a blond mohawk, piercings in here buries, nose, lips. she can't be that hard to find. >> police have canvassed the area. family members and posted flyers but there is no sign of boozer
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or ki'yauhn. >> i want my son back. like it would be all right if she put him somewhere. i don't want her. i just want my son. that is all i want is my son. >> an amber alert hasn't been issued in this case because it does not fit the cite why mainly because there is no vehicle description or tag information. police have received a tip that the 16-year-old girl may be in the prince george's county or montgomery county area of the state. if you have any information on this kiss you are urged to cull baltimo baltimore city pa. pa headquarters. >> a federal judge will hear arguments on whether it dismiss the remainder of the bribery charge against a maryland state senator accused of using influence to benefit a grocery store chain. several prosecutes dropped charges in may. his attorneys have moved to have the rest of the charges
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dismissed. >> this is a symbol of healing and unity and it made its way to baltimore. >> the mood was solemn and almost freshly phurpbful as a section of i-beam from the world trade center arrived at the baltimore training academy for firefighters. the beam was brought here by new york fire riders who accompanied the metal with all of the true heaviness it carries on its own. >> every new class coming out of the academy will see this damaged i-beam and be reminded of the seriousness of their commitment. >> the piece from the world trade center will become part of a permanent memorial at the academy and a lone helmet from ladder 4 from new york will join it. >> we will put this helmet in the memorial and write up exactly what this means, that open for business.
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we are getting back it norm. >> 343 firefighters died on 9/11, a staggering loss of public service. and 10 years after that terror the mayor reminded those in attendance that life still can change so in an instant. >> the attacks of norway over the wind remind us that we need to continue to be vigilant. >> baltimore's inaugural grand prix is a month away but officials want to prepare you for changes. it will cut through downtown which means buses will be rerouted, light rail disrupted. he tperbls are working to get the word out and help locals plan around the delays. >> we are looking at probably two dozen or so of our local and commuter bus routes being affected. we are going to have our light rail impacted so we will fin putting diversions in place
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august 29. that will affect a bunch of local bus routes. we will have a shuttle bus downtown to help people bridge the gap. >> the baltimore grand prix will be held labor day weekend. for more go to >> we are tracking some fire activity this morning. if you are heading out near the baltimore county and city line. light foot drive and diana lane. j.f.x. running smoothly from the beltway to town. on the west side we are seeing our first delays 20 miles an hour down to in the outer loop from 795 to liberty. beyond there you are in pretty good shape. no delays on the north side. everything running smoothly on 95 through howard county. 59 miles an hour approaching 100. 100 in the glen burnie area and 295 smooth north and south. here is a live view of traffic
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and this is what it looks like at the bay bridge toll phradz. no problems this. everything smooth there. live view at tydings memorial bridge and looks like a very ride in that area. that insulatest on "traffic pulse 11." ava has a check of forecast. >> i know there is a chance of rain today but i think you will like the forecast because we are finally getting away from the oppressive heat. we are up to 90 this afternoon back to where we should be. it will be humid with scattered showers and thunderstorms. some of them could pop up in the mountains but then the front clears by tonight and temperatures drop overnight and it will be much drier tomorrow and wednesday with the sunshine out. buffalo conditions the next couple of days, then we warm up at the end of the week. >> it is now 6:36 and it is 79 degrees. still ahead, an inspiring story in texas as a child jeff comes the taunts of bullies to catch
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the attention of the first lady. >> we are still taking answers to our water cooler question of the day. do you think an agreement over the debt ceiling can be reached before the august 2 deadline. share your response at, facebook or
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>> a texas boy hopes he is hitting big time fashion. he beat out high school and college students to win a fashion competition. phrbl obama may step in one of his creations. >> this is the winning design
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that jump started his journey into high fashion. he beat out high school and college fashion design students in a contest in stokes. >> first i was drawing little girl stuff and i came up to where i'm watching shows and sort of a growth in fashion and maturity. >> he's grown a lot from this dress one of his early designs. now he is designing a dress for the first lady. the inspiration came when he saw an orchid visiting the smithsonian. his mother says bullies would tease him for wanting to be a fashion designer. >> he would look for validation annu and in the get it and it would take three hours to get him back. and out of desperation i would do things like do you want to watch a fashion show. when it came to sixth grade there are bullies and they come but i don't care. i really don't care what they
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tell me. >> today he left dallas and will come to utah for the chance to schedule a sitting with mrs. obama at next week's utah fund-raising event. grant and shannon believe it will happen. >> he is happy when he is design being. he is who he really is when he gets to do this. >> he is extremely talented. >> he really is. one of these days he will be counting the money while the bullies will be outside. >> when his fashion is being sold at nordstrom or whatever. >> 6:41, coming up we will look at some of our answers to our water cooler question of the day. >> we will look at some delays at alling in place. we will check on some fire activity as well for the morning commute. details are coming up. >> the extreme heat has broken but it means a chance of wet weather. we will talk about that in the forecast. 78 b.w. kwreufplt, harbor is 83. humidity 90%.
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full forecast minutes away. [ male announcer ] southwest is having a nationwide sale, with flights all over the country starting at only $59. as the nation's largest domestic airline, we have a flight that fits your budget anywhere southwest flies. but the sale can't last forever, so you need to hurry and use this to go to
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>> the time is now 6:44. the search continues for the gunman in a double shooting in randallstown. the developments were found sunday morning at chapeldale and stans field roads. fire officials are trying to figure out what sparked a fire at a manufacturing company in curtis bay. more than 100 firefighters it saturday morning. that was in the 3800 block of contractors avenue. paper, machinery and other materials are stored there. a money saving program from b.g.e. trigger ed buyers remors
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after customers were without air conditioning. they disabled the air conditioning in the homes of many of the people in the peak rewards program. some said they were without air conditioning up it 10 hours. despite participant frustration a maryland public service commission spokesman said they do believe the utility did anything wrong. >> it is did you know to the wire for debt talks in washington. tracy potts has the latest including it could cause dip in the financial markets. >> asian markets opened lower shaken that washington could be on the verge of its first ever default. the big question, how might wall street react. >> it is unthinkable that this country will in the meet obligations on time. >> a market slide could affect what you pay for mortgages, car loans, financing college. right new negotiators are stuck over timing. democrats and the white house
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want to wrap it up now. >> i understand why they say they won't sign a short term but i think they won't have think choice. >> republicans want a short-term deal cut trillion now and negotiate more cuts before the 2012 election. >> we can't do that. it must be standed to give certainty to the economy through 2013 and not a short-term gimmick. >> i know the president is worried about the next election but shouldn't he be worried about the country? >> bane are said be ready to compromise and make sacrifices. he got this warning from democrats. >> if you break it, you own it. >> many americans say washington and perhaps now our economy are already broken. >> that brings us to the answers to the water cooler question of the day. we asked you do you think an agreement over the debt ceiling can be reached before the deadline? nancy says it is a given the
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ceiling will be raised before august 2. u.s. defaulting on debt would send the world into an economic tail spin. ridiculous our so-called representatives are playing this game. do your job. >> kim says i have no confidence in the current president or lawmakers and senate or congress to get it passed. i have lost confidence in them and will remember this when it comes time to vote. james says no and most of us don't care until it hits home. then it is the other party's fault. we will post more answers at >> starting to see volume pick up enough to amount to some delays. west side is probably the heaviest spot where we're seeing delays around 795 in the outer loop. we have this fire activity tracking light foot and diana lane. 17 miles an hour in terms of delays on the west side.
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we are also looking at a minor delay developing southbound on 95 south of the beltway toward the 895 split about 51 miles an hour. let's look at traffic and here is what it looks look at old court. away from us is outer loop on the northwest corn off the ramps from southbound 795. delays there. 795 continues to manufacture well. if you are traveling on the northeast side near harford road outer loop no delays to report here. everything running smoothly as you make your way knew howard county on 95 and 295. that is the latest on traffic traffic. >> look at the weather pattern. it is so much different than the weekend. although it is still humid we won't be as warm. we have some showers popping up on h.d. done already near the eastern shore mainly south of some are set and worcester counties. there is a possibility of wet
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weather in the with respect mountains. we have showers showing up in that could be heading toward oakland and other parts of the mountains. we get a wide are view and we can see what is happening. this is the next confront this will bring a big change. already it is sparking some showers cross the ohio valley and thunder and lightning embedded in that. but once this front passes, we will see much drier air push into the region. new clear in lower michigan and wisconsin. a large area of high pressure follow that cold front. that is what is coming. today it is very humid. scattered showers and thunderstorms in the force. once this intention by that high will be the name of the game. we will be looking forward to that a couple of days. until then a chance of ran but it is a welcome sign. we will take the rain over the triple-digit heat. showers possibly in the western
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mountains and then anywhere could see scattered showers in storms in the afternoon and evening. then the front clears, the skies clear and we are looking for clear skies tomorrow and a big drop in the humidity. so, although it will be warm tomorrow it will. so great. today is better. we are back to the upper 80's and low 90's but humid. we are calling for thunderstorms letter in the day but we can't rule out a pop-up shower anywhere earlier on. most of the tuft holds off. the front passes tonight and we see sunshine tomorrow and wednesday, low 90's, very dry and pleasant. then the temperatures crank up through the late week. >> time for a look at the beg story. a search for a missing boy. george george joins us live from police headquarters with more.
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>> police have questioned several people in this case including the boy's father who admits leaving the baby in the care of a teenager. the seven-month-old child named ki'yauhn was last seen in the 1100 block of wend hurst street with a 16-year-old girl jonae boozer. the father arrived late it a prayer service because he was with city police being questioned about his son's mysterious disappearance. ki'yauhn was staying with his father friday but birch left him with bazar an acquaintance he says he barely knows. an amber alert was not issued in the case because it doesn't fit the criteria. but police have received a tip that the 16-year-old girl jonae boozer may be in the prince george's county or montgomery county area of the state. if you have any information on the case you are urged to cull baltimore city police. we are live at police
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headquarters, george lettis, wbal tv 11 news. time for a look at what is coming up in connection on "the today show". >> coming up on a monday morning the suspect in the gun and bomb massacre in norway that killed more than 90 heads to court. we are live with the details. we will talk to a man who was shot but survived pretending to be dead. a first look at a controversial documentary on the tragic that killed adent new york mother and seven others including her they nieces. we will talk to that woman's sister-in-law. and the latest on the troeupl and untimely death of 27-year-old sing are amy winehouse. the question people are asking is could chef been saved? we will kick off a special series on womening turning 40. why some are giving that milestone a much needed makeover. it is now 6:52 and 79
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degrees. >> just ahead we will look at weather and traffic together including the latest on delays in the pikesville area.
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>> what is happening? >> fire activity a dwelling fire there in pikesville. you may find delays there. use extra caution because fire crews are there. you can see we are looking at new delays southbound 795 out of owings mills that continue to the west side and then speeds averaging around 23 miles an hour. that is the heaviest delay on the west side. let's look at what is happening eastbound 50 debris in the road. another spot you may tap the brakes and area of old court pace on the west side. we will switch to a live view of traffic in the area of mountain road 95 southbound away from us and looking pretty good there. in delays yet in the white marsh area. not a bad ride. >> a much needed break in the weather. >> a bit of a compromise. we are getting rid of the sunshine but it won't be as hot.
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i will take this forecast. we will have 90 this afternoon so warm and humid, scattered showers and thunderstorms. especially late in the day. that is because the cold front the way. not a big change in temperatures tomorrow or wednesday but it will be drier and the sunshine will be back. so pleasant weather after today. >> when you get in your car tune in to a.m. 1090. >> thanks for joining us for "11 news today." we have a live update at 7:25. have a great day. >> follow breaking news and weather on and stay connected with us on facebook and twitter.
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